WHO We welcome children and young people aged approximately 7 – 16 of all abilities and from all backgrounds. Previous musical training is not required.
WHEN We offer a number of weekly sessions in the Spring and Summer Terms, usually on a Tuesday after school. We rehearse during the Autumn Term, for a staged production at the end of November or early December.
WHERE Weekly sessions are held in the Britten Pears Building at Snape Maltings, in either the Cranbrook Room or the Peter Pears Recital Room. Depending on the type of show, staged performances would be in either the Britten Studio, Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall or Snape Maltings.
WHAT WE DO We work with professional musicians and production teams on singing, movement and music theatre, helping the young to develop their natural voices and stage technique.
THE COST Although we have to raise significant funding for professional fees, there is no cost to the children. The Jubilee Opera Team work on a voluntary basis.